Palo Alto RWF Luncheon with Peter Kuo

Tuesday, April 2, 2019 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

The Palo Alto Republican Women Federated will hold their monthly luncheon with guest speaker Peter Kuo, the newly elected Vice Chair of the California Republican Party.  Peter was born in Taiwan and with his parents immigrated to San Jose with the belief that if they worked hard, they could achieve the American Dream. In recent years Peter has served as campaign director in 4 counties for Donald Trump, CA Asian American Coalition Chair for Ted Cruz in 2015, and as a candidate for Congress and state senate.

RSVP: Send check for $27 payable to PARWF to Jo'Anne Zschokke, 2285 Oberlin Street, Palo Alto, CA 94306. Social begins at 11:30am; Lunch at Noon. Questions? Call Jo'Anne at (650) 857-9395. 

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