Lincoln Club of Northern CA Annual Dinner with Victor Davis Hanson

Tuesday, December 5, 2017 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

The Lincoln Club of Northern California will honor Victor Davis Hanson with a Lifetime Achievement Award at their Annual Dinner. Hanson is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, a professor of Classics Emeritus at California State University, Fresno, and a nationally syndicated columnist for Tribune Media Services. Read more about his distinguished career. 

RSVP:  The Lincoln has extended Member Pricing for visitors! Register and pay online. Pricing for Members: $400 for General Admission; $700 for General Admission for a Couple; $750 for VIP; $1,200 for VIP Couple. Pricing for Non-Members: $750 for General Admission; $1,400 for General Admission for a Couple; $1,500 for VIP; $2,500 for VIP Couple. Sponsorships are available by contacting Megan Range. VIP tickets include the Reception and photo with Victor Davis Hanson. The VIP Reception begins at 6pm; General Reception at 6:30pm. View the invitation.

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