San Mateo County Republican Party: Phone Bank Training Sessions

Monday, September 19, 2022 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Please help our candidates get across the finish line!!  Be part of the change that you want to see. We will be hosting two phone banking training sessions at the SMGOP office in San Mateo, 1900 South Norfolk, Suite 350. Below are the two dates we are offering:

  • Wednesday, September 14th noon - 2 pm (lunch and beverages included)
  • Monday, September 19th 6 - 8 pm (dinner and beverages included)

We will be trained on 'Campaign Sidekick' which is an easy to use tool for making campaign calls.   Please CLICK HERE if you are interested and which date you prefer.

Also, if you prefer to help out with our campaigns in some other way like canvassing, sending mailers or staffing our SMGOP booth at the San Carlos Art and Wine Festival (Oct. 8th and 9th) please let me know.

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