Walk This Month for Jeff Denham!
Republicans around the state are mobilizing
to help defend Republican State Senator Jeff
Denham from recall, and your help is needed,
too. The recall election is set for Primary
election day, June 3rd.
Democrats are targeting Denham because his is
one of the few swing districts in the state,
and he opposed the state budget they
supported. They would love to reach a
veto-proof two-thirds in the State
Democrat Senate boss Don Perata has spent
millions of dollars on this recall despite
Denham's popularity
in the district. Learn more from the
Sacramento Bee's objective
and at Jeff Denham's website
Denham's 12th Senate District includes
portions of Stanislaus, Merced, Madera, San
Benito, and Monterey Counties. See the map.
Bay Area Republicans can easily travel to
Modesto or Salinas to help Jeff's campaign.
The Denham campaign will be walking every
weekend from May 10th to June 3rd, with a big
push the last few days. Get together with
your county party or your club or come by
yourself. You'll see Republicans from all
over. Contact your Republican leaders or go
to the website www.gopvolunteers.com
for more information.
You may contact the campaign directly at
209-338-0288 or [email protected]
(Landon Whitney).
The absolute highest priority for Bay Area
Republicans this month is to help defend
State Senator Jeff Denham from the
Democrat recall attempt on June 3. Please
read the article to the left and join fellow
Republicans to help.
California Republican Party Chairman Ron
Nehring announced recently that the CRP is
increasing the bounty paid for new voter
registrations from volunteer groups and
county committees from $3 to $6 per verified
registration. This increase is made possible
due to a grant from Steve Poizner for this
purpose. Thanks, Steve!
Senator John McCain will return to the Bay
Area on May 22 for a fundraising luncheon in
Atherton. There are also several McCain
volunteer activities and meetings listed
below in the Calendar section.
Leadership Update
Congratulations to incoming Contra Costa
Republican Party Chairman Greg Poulos.
has served as the Chief Operating Officer of
the CCRP and as Parliamentarian. He served
as the GOTV Chair for the Victory '06
Campaign in Contra Costa. Greg and his wife
Lori live in Danville. Greg runs his own
insurance and financial services firm in
John McCain 2008 County Chairs
Bay Area -- Nicolas Beck -
[email protected]
Alameda -- Steve Savas -
[email protected]
Contra Costa -- Allen Payton -
[email protected]
and also Jeff Elfont -
[email protected]
Marin -- Joohee Muromcew -
[email protected]
Santa Clara -- David Springer -
[email protected]
San Francisco -- Rich Miller -
[email protected]
San Mateo -- Michael Maletic -
[email protected]
SMCRP Cocktails and Conversation with Tom Campbell: Friday, May 2, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
The San Mateo County Republican Party invites
you to share cocktails and conversation with
Tom Campbell, Dean of the Haas School of
Business at UC Berkeley, and former member of
Congress. 6:00 - 8:00 PM General Reception
(VIP Reception 6:00 - 7:00 PM).
$100 - individual ticket and general
reception; $250 - VIP reception (includes
photo); $1,000 - Angel (includes VIP
reception and special recognition). Please
make checks payable to San Mateo County
Republican Party and mail to: San Mateo
County Republican Party c/o Deborah Wilder,
1200 Sixth Ave, Suite 200, Belmont, CA 94002.
Contact 650-551-5580 or [email protected]
. Location: The home of Charles Marsala, 33
Emilie, Atherton
Berkeley College Republicans Annual Banquet with Prof. John Yoo: Friday, May 2, 6:00 PM
The Berkeley College Republicans and
California Patriot cordially invite you to
our annual banquet featuring Professor John
Yoo and 15th Assembly District Candidates
Scott Kamena and Robert Rao.
Students: $35, Guests: $80. Payable to
California Patriot Foundation, P.O. Box 4428,
Berkeley, CA 94704. Please RSVP to Kimberly
Wagner at [email protected] or
(714)749-3256 by Wednesday, April 30.
Location: Le Bateau Ivre, 2629 Telegraph
Ave, Berkeley
Conservative Forum presents Bill Whalen: Tuesday, May 6, 6:30 PM
The Conservative Forum of Silicon Valley
presents Bill Whalen, a research fellow at
the Hoover Institution, where he studies and
writes on current events and political
trends, with an emphasis on California's
political landscape. He will speak on
"Politics 2008."
Check in 6:30 PM, meeting at 7:00 PM.
Admission is free to paid members and
first-time attendees. Non-members pay $10 per
meeting. Where: American Legion Hall,
958 Homestead Road, Santa Clara
San Francisco Republican Party Central Committee Meeting with Dr. Vicky E. Murray: Wednesday, May 7, 6:30 PM
Business meeting followed by Speaker Series
with Dr. Vicky E. Murray, Senior Policy
Fellow, Education Studies, Pacific Research
Institute. Dr. Murray's research focuses on
education reform measures. No charge.
Where: 455 Golden Gate Avenue in San Francisco's
Civic Center State Building, lower level.
East Contra Costa Republican Women Federated May Boutique and General Meeting: Thursday, May 8, 11 AM
East Contra Costa RWF will hold our annual
May Boutique and General Meeting. Please join
us for our "A Taste of Summer" fund raiser
and the special activities such as a fun wine
tasting opportunity. 11:00 AM - Gift Boutique
and silent auction begin; 12 Noon - Luncheon
and fashion show; 12:45 PM - guest speaker
on "Islam: How They Masterminded What They
Are Doing."
Cost for the luncheon is $25.00 per person.
Reserve with Lynne at 925-634-7826 by May 1.
Check out our website at www.eccrwf.com.
Location: The Nines Country Club, 100
Summerset Drive, Brentwood
Lead21 Reception with David Kralik: Thursday, May 8, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Mr. Kralik is Director of Internet Strategy
for American Solutions for Winning the
Future, started by Newt Gingrich. He will
discuss how, in order to truly transform the
country, political leaders will need to use
and understand technology to an extent that
most have yet to truly appreciate and realize.
Please register online. Hosted by Lead21
Board Members Sonia Arrison and Aydin Senkut
at their home in San Francisco. The address
in San Francisco will be sent automatically
to registered attendees.
Jose Esteves For Supervisor Fundraiser: Friday, May 9, 7:00 PM
Please join Jose Esteves for refreshments,
dance, and entertainment. $35 per person.
RSVP by April 30th to 408-262-8400 or
[email protected] . Location:
Campbell Community Center, 1 West Campbell
Ave (at Winchester), Campbell
Precinct Walk for Jeff Denham: Saturday & Sunday, May 10 & 11, 10:00 AM
Oppose the Recall! Precinct Walk for State
Senator Jeff
Denham. Contact 209-338-0288 or
[email protected] . Location: Friends
of Jeff Denham Campaign Office, 1231 8th
Street, Suite 300, Modesto
Tom Del Beccaro's Farewell Party: Saturday, May 10, 7 to 10 PM
Onward and Upward! Celebrate
the five years of dedicated leadership Tom
Del Beccaro has given to the Contra Costa
Republican Party. Tom's talents are needed
at the State GOP, so he is passing the torch
at the end of April.
Let Tom know how much we
appreciate all the work and sacrifice he has
provided the last five years to develop the
local party. Please RSVP by May 7 to Darcy
Linn at [email protected] or 415-244-1151.
Location: Jennifer Gartung's lovely home in
Alamo (address provided upon RSVP)
Lamorinda Republican Women Lunch with Vlado Bevc: Thursday, May 15, 11:30 AM
Dr. Bevc's topic will be "Global Warming
Nothing but a Paper Tiger". He has conducted
scientific research for the Department of
Defense and aerospace industry and held
senior staff positions at the California
Public Utilities Commission.
Meet at 11:30; lunch at noon; speaker at
12:30. The cost for lunch is $22. For
reservations please call 925-254-8617 by May
13th. Location: Metro Restaurant, 3524 Mt.
Diablo Blvd., Lafayette
Blackhawk Republican Women Present Lores Rizkalla: Thursday May 15, 5:45 PM
Speaker Lores Rizkalla was born to parents
who left Egypt to escape jihadist attacks.
She is a Los Angeles radio host and writer,
and she will speak on "Crisis 2008 and the
Power of a Woman". 5:45 PM - Sign-in and
Social; 6:30 PM - Speaker.
Cost: $20. Please make reservations by noon,
Tuesday, May 13, to Ms. Lyons, 856 Turrini
Dr., Danville 94526,
[email protected], or 925-820-6452.
Checks may be made payable to Blackhawk
Republican Women. Location: Blackhawk Country
Club, 599 Blackhawk Club Dr., Danville
Contra Costa Taxpayers Association Breakfast with Dan Borenstein: Friday, May 16, 7:45 AM
Our guest speaker this month will be Dan
Borenstein, political columnist,
investigative journalist, and editorial
writer for the Contra Costa Times. We will
also be covering the latest tax-related
issues and have the election of officers as
well. 7:45 AM - Social;
8:00 - 9:30 AM - Meeting.
$20.00 includes full breakfast. Please make
reservations as soon as possible because our
events have been selling out. RSVP at
or to Kris Hunt at
925-228-5610 or
[email protected]. Prepayment is greatly
appreciated. Checks should be mailed to:
P.O. Box 27, Martinez, CA 94553. Location:
The Greenery, 1551 Marchbanks, Walnut Creek.
(Off of Ygnacio Valley at the Diablo Hills
Golf Course)
Annual Conference of Republican Women Federated Clubs of Contra Costa: Friday, May 16, 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM
What: Speakers, education, camraderie
Who: You, many friends, and sister club
members from the Bay Area. Gentlemen MOST
Speakers: Former Assemblywoman Lynne Leach,
Roseann Slonsky-Breault, Gene Kreps
Menu: Continental breakfast; salad for lunch.
RSVP with your check for $35 a person,
payable to CFRW-ND VI, and mail to Sandy
Gregory, 735 Winterside Circle, San Ramon CA
94583. Info at www.yvrwf.org or
[email protected]
Where: Oakhurst Country Club, Oakhurst
Republicans for Environmental Protection Annual Meeting in Sacramento: Saturday, May 17
California Chapter 2008 Annual Meeting,
1:00 - 5:00 PM - REP members and guests
are invited. Theme: "How Republicans Must
Take Back the Leadership Role on
Environmental Issues". No charge. RSVP to
Patricia at 916-791-3068. Location: 1029 J
Street, Suite 300,
Evening Program, 5:30 PM: Dinner with
Keynote Speaker Terry Maple, Co-Author of
A Contract with the Earth (with Newt
Gingrich). Dr. Maple is CEO of the Palm
Beach Zoo and Professor of Conservation and
Behavior at the Georgia Institute of
Reception 5:30-6:30 PM, dinner at 6:30.
$55.00 per person for dinner. For info or
RSVP, contact Patricia Callan-McKinney at
916-791-3068 or Aurie Kryzuda at
858-271-7565. Location: Hyatt Regency, 1209
L Street, Sacramento
Citizens for Andal Morgan Hill Dinner: Saturday, May 17, 5:30 PM
You are cordially invited to attend dinner in
honor of Dean Andal, Candidate, U.S.
Congress. $100 per couple. Sport casual.
Information: 408-246-6600. Please respond by
Wed., May 12. Location: The beautiful home
of Murali and Anu Chirala, 15354 Sycamore
Drive, Morgan Hill
SPARC Presents Duf Sundheim: Monday, May 19, 6:00 PM
The South Peninsula Area Republican Coalition
invites you to an evening with Duf Sundheim,
Immediate Past Chairman of the California
Republican Party, and a long time friend of
SPARC. Duf's topic: "California Republicans
Aligned for Tomorrow". 6:00 PM - Check-in
and reception with wine and snacks; 6:45 PM -
Program begins.
Cost: $15.00 for Members and $18.00 for
Non-Members. $20.00 at the door. Reservations
Required. To reserve: Browse www.sparcgop.org
(optionally pre-pay as well), Email
[email protected] or Phone SPARC: (650)
917-9125. Location: Main Street Caf�. 134
Main Street, Los Altos
Novato Republican Women Federated presents "Downtown" Fashion Gala: Tuesday, May 20, 11:00 AM
"Downtown," a Novato RWF event presented
in conjunction with the Novato Chamber of
Commerce and the Downtown Business
Association, is a fashion show highlighting
unique offerings from local boutiques and
merchants, a silent auction, and a stylish
luncheon. Doors open at 11:00 A.M. with
silent auction bidding, followed by lunch and
a fashion show from noon to 2:00 P.M.
Benefits local scholarships and school programs.
Prices: NFRW club members $35, general
public $50, table of 10 $350. For
reservations, call Nancy Prince at
(415)898-8817. Location: Marin Country
Club, 500
Country Club Drive, Novato.
2008 CCRP Speakers Series War on Terror Panel: Tuesday, May 20, 6:00 PM
The Contra Costa County Republican Party
hosts a special War on Terror/Islamic
Terrorism Panel featuring Lores Rizkalla,
Larry Greenfield, and Gary Aminoff. Cost:
$25 single ticket, $125 entire series. RSVP
to 925-930-9551 or
[email protected] . Where: Contra
Costa Country Club, 801 Golf Club Rd.,
Pleasant Hill
Governor Schwarzenegger California Dream Team Dinner in Menlo Park: Wednesday, May 21, 6:00 PM
Please join Alys & Brad Smith and Friends for
a private reception and dinner with Governor
Arnold Schwarzenegger. 6:00 PM Reception;
7:00 PM Dinner. Photo opportunity. Business
The California Dream Team exists to help the
Governor move his agenda forward. Committment
to give or raise $10,000 includes 2 tickets
to the Reception and Dinner, 1 photo
opportunity (2 people per photo), and
membership on the California Dream Team.
RSVP to Kirsten Vernon at 650-464-4394 or
[email protected] or Renee Croce at
310-648-7700 or [email protected] .
Location: the home of Alys & Brad Smith,
Menlo Park
10th Annual WISH List Bay Area Reception!: Wednesday, May 21, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
We are delighted to have Mary and Bruce
McPherson serving as our Event Co-Chairs this
year! We will be celebrating the Bounty that
is California...food, wine, technology,
political leadership and more! Honoring
Nancy Greenbach, Kacy Hutchison, and Deborah
Wilder. WISH members $75, non-members $150,
higher levels available.
Contact: [email protected] or
703-778-5550. Location: The Atherton home
of Danelle and Mario Rosati.
Senator John McCain Atherton Luncheon: Thursday, May 22
Meg Whitman and the McCain Victory California
Leadership Team invite you to a luncheon
honoring Senator John McCain. 12:00 Noon -
Host Committee Reception; 12:30 PM - Luncheon.
$2,300 per person; higher levels available.
For additional information or questions,
please contact Cassandra Vandenberg at
(562)988-3366 or Caitlin Ashlock at
(310)309-2101 or [email protected] .
Location: The home of Meg Whitman & Griff
Harsh, Atherton, California
West Valley Republican Women Rib Dinner and Western Hoedown: Saturday, May 31, 5:30 PM
West Valley Republican Women invite you to a
Western Hoe-Down. No-host bar @ 5:30 PM,
Dinner @ 7:00. $35. Best BBQ Rib Dinner in
the Valley. Musical entertainment by the
Peninsulaires Barbershop Quartet. Meet local
Republican political candidates. Plus
camaraderie and fun.
Please make reservations by May 26, and send
checks to Liz Simms, 5123 Elmwood Dr, San
Jose, CA 95130. 408-866-7192. For more
information, contact Kay Young 408-446-4144.
Cowboy hats optional. Location: Los Gatos
Elks Lodge, 105 Newell Ave, Los Gatos
(opposite Lark Ave on Winchester)
May Calendar and Volunteer Activities
Precinct Walk - Ram Singh for San Jose
Council: Saturday, May 3, 10 AM
You can help elect the next Republican to San
Jose City Council. Join Ram Singh, candidate
in San Jose District 2, as he walks
neighborhoods in the Santa Teresa area. For
more information on Ram's exciting campaign,
go to www.ramsingh.org
. Questions and RSVP
to: (408) 629-2682. Meet at: 631 Rocking
Horse Court, San Jose, CA 95123
Precinct Walk - Pat Waite for San Jose
Council: Saturday, May 3, 10 - 12 AM
Join Pat Waite in his bid to win the District
8 Evergreen area seat on the San Jose City
Council. Just a few hours of your time can
make a big difference. For more information
on Pat, visit his website at
Questions? Just ask Pat at
408-564-9980. Location: Meet at Evergreen
Village Square, south of Ruby & Aborn,
Lundi's parking lot
McCain 2008 Team at Evergreen Market in
San Jose: Sunday, May 4, 8:30 AM -
1:00 PM
Help us staff a Voter Registration table at
the Evergreen Farmer's Market. It's a great
opportunity to sign up local Republicans to
support John McCain too. Questions? Let us
know if you can help. Contact Santa Clara
County Chair: David Springer,
408-269-8577, [email protected] .
Location: Evergreen Village Square, Rube Ave
at Classico Ave, San Jose
Absentee Ballots Sent for June 3rd Primary
Election: Monday, May 5
Today is the day that Absentee Ballots (Vote
By Mail) are mailed by the Registrar. Watch
for them if you are already a Vote By Mail
voter. There is still time to apply to vote
by mail (May 27th is the last day).
San Francisco New Citizens Ceremony:
Tuesdays, May 6 & May 20, 7:00 AM
Help register new citizens to vote. 7:00-9:30
AM - Pass out Republican Party literature;
10:20-11:30 AM - Register Voters. To
volunteer, contact
[email protected]. For weather
cancellation, please call 415.921.4844 before
7 AM the day of the ceremony. Where: Masonic
Auditorium, 1111 California Street, San
Francisco (between Jones and Taylor)
San Mateo County McCain Phone Bank:
Wednesday, May 7, 6-8:45 PM
We will hold our first phone bank. The
location is near 92/101, and we will send
more direction information as we approach.
Email Jason at [email protected] if you can
attend for any period of time by Friday, May
2. Location: The Jigsaw office building, Two
Waters Park Drive, Suite #250, San Mateo
John McCain 2008 San Mateo County
Volunteer Meeting/Training/Dinner:
Wednesday, May 14, 5:30 - 8 PM
At the next volunteer get-together, we'll
have drinks, a great dinner and cover some
much needed training information regarding
booth set up at events and phone banking. We
will also have a general brainstorm session.
Please RSVP by May 8 to Jason at
[email protected]. Location: TBA.
Monthly Meeting of SVGOP: Wednesday, May
14, 7 - 7:30 PM
Santa Clara County Republican Party Central
Committee meeting. This month will be a
Business Meeting only. Location: County
Admin Bldg, 70 West Hedding St (at First
Street), San Jose
McCain 2008 Team at Armed Forces Day, USS
Hornet: Saturday, May 17, 10 AM to 5
Join the local McCain team as we rock and
roll the USS Hornet on Armed Forces
Day. With
six hours of great classic rock music,
featuring The Greg Kihn Band! Guest stars
Tony Lindsay, Chris Jackson, and others will
join our favorite KFOX Last Band Standing
finalists MidLife Vices, Evolution (A Journey
Tribute) and The Cocktail Monkeys! Come help
as we sign up Veterans and a have a great
time too.
Questions? Let us know if you can help.
Contact Santa Clara County Volunteer Chair
David Springer at 408-269-8577 or
[email protected] . Location: USS
Hornet (and vicinity), Pier 3, Alameda Point,
Last Day to Register to Vote in June 3
Primary: Monday, May 19, 2008
Today is the last day to change your
registration or complete a new registration,
and still vote in the June 3rd Primary
Election. If you have moved, you must
re-register to vote at your new polling
Alameda County Republican Party Monthly
Meeting: Tuesday, May 20, 6:30 PM
Where: 1039 MacArthur Blvd., San Leandro
McCain 2008 Santa Clara County Volunteer
Meeting: Saturday, May 24, 12 Noon to 2
Monthly volunteer social and training
session. Key Contact: Atul Saini at
[email protected] or 408-821-3462.
Location: Una Mas Mexican Grill, 680 River
Oaks Parkway #P-2, San Jose, CA 95134
Save The Date!
California Statewide Direct Primary
Election: Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Marin Republican Women Luncheon with Luis
Buhler: Saturday, June 14, 11:30 AM - 2:00
Speaker: CRP Bay Area Vice Chairman Luis
Buhler. Reservations: 415-499-7289.
Location: Loch Lomond Yacht Club, 95 Loch
Lomond Dr., San Rafael
CCRP Speakers Series with Audra & Tony
Strickland: Tuesday, June 17, 6:00 PM
The Contra Costa County Republican Party
hosts CA Power Couple Night featuring
Assemblywoman Audra Strickland & Senate
Candidate Tony Strickland. Cost: $25 single
ticket, $125 entire series. RSVP to
925-930-9551 or [email protected] .
Where: Contra Costa Country Club, 801 Golf
Club Rd., Pleasant Hill
Republican National Convention: Monday -
Thursday, September 1 to 4
The Republican National Convention meets in
Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota to select the
Presidential nominee.
California Republican Party Fall State
Convention: Friday to Sunday, September 26 -
September 28
Where: Anaheim Marriott
Be sure to visit my website for the latest information: