Bay Area GOP October '08 Newsletter
October 2008 Bay Area Republican Party Vice Chairman Luis Buhler
Bay Area GOP October Newsletter
Sashi McEntee for
State Senate

When you look at Sashi McEntee, you see she radiates enthusiasm. She's ready to put her business experience and community service to work, getting results for the people of her North Bay district.

A surprising thing happened during the primary election this year. Voters in the 3rd State Senate District threw incumbent Carole Migden out of office. Now they have a chance to elect a talented problem solver to replace her.

As a businessperson, Sashi McEntee runs a consulting practice, working with businesses on growth strategy, strategic partnerships and sponsorships. Two-time past chair of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors Club, she's been at the center of Bay Area business networking for the past decade, launching networking groups and events from Palo Alto to Marin and generating thousands of dollars in business for participants.

A Bay Area resident since 1997, Sashi was raised in Los Angeles by Sri Lankan parents. A family of entrepreneurs, Sashi's parents instilled in her the values of smart business, individual freedom and personal responsibility. As a community leader, Sashi serves on several boards and committees, including the ODC/Dance Board of Directors, Bank of San Francisco Advisory Board and the Shelter Ridge Homeowners Association Board of Directors.

Sashi's desire to serve in public office comes from her passion for building community and finding solutions. A problem solver and tireless community activist, Sashi has built a bipartisan team of issues advisors and supporters who will work collaboratively to raise awareness and build support.

Sashi says "What we need is a fresh approach to problem solving that values the hard-earned dollars of the taxpayers and a mindset that drives toward simplicity and solutions and away from wastefulness and infighting."

Sashi and her husband, race car driver coach and American LeMans Series winner David McEntee, have lived in Mill Valley for the past 8 years and are expecting their first child in December.

The 3rd Senate District includes Marin County, and eastern San Francisco, and part of Sonoma County. Here is a map.

You can see Sashi in action at the October 7 candidate forum. Please take a look at Sashi's website, for more information about her campaign.

We are now a month away from election day. But in politics a month can be a lifetime.

There is so much going on that we will do two newsletters this month. The first will list events through October 15. We will provide a mid-month update at that time.

Highlights during the next two weeks include:

  • The Sarah Palin vs. Joe Biden debate on October 2nd. Find a debate party in your area and attend.
  • Sarah Palin visits the Bay Area on October 5. Tickets are still available. (See below)
  • The Lincoln Club is sponsoring a Bay Area fundraiser for Abram Wilson on October 6. Please let me know if you would like to attend.
  • The California Young Republicans are holding a precinct walk for Dean Andal on Saturday, October 11. You can make a real difference by volunteering in this important race.
  • Phone banking for John McCain and Sarah Palin continues at Victory headquarters throughout the Bay Area. See below for hours and contact info.

Please reserve some time on the weekend before election day to help with get-out-the-vote. With your help we will win in November.

VP Debate Watching Parties
Thursday, October 2

Vice presidential candidates Sarah Palin and Joe Biden debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri from 6 to 7:30 PM. There will be several parties around the Bay Area on Thursday to watch the debate. Here are a few of them. You can find more in the McCain Nation section of

Marin Vice Presidential Debate Watching Party: 5 - 8 PM
The Marin County Republican Party invites you to a Debate Rally to meet like minded supporters - bring an undecided friend! Watch Sarah Palin in action! Melanie Morgan will introduce the debate at 5:30. The debate starts promptly at 6 PM. Light refreshments/intense conversation.

Contribution: $15/person (students with student ID's and those under 18 admitted for free) to cover costs. Contributions can be made online here or at the door. RSVP to [email protected] or 415-332-3167. Location: 888 4th Street, San Rafael

Contra Costa VP Debate Watching Parties: 5:30 PM
Lafayette - Tom Del Beccaro's House
Appetizers will be served. Please RSVP to: [email protected] or 925-209-5250. Location: 3553 O'Conner Drive, Lafayette


Danville - Judy & Tim Lloyd's House
RSVP here. You have to "Opt In" and then select your zip code. You will later receive an invitation from Judy Lloyd. Call Judy's cell if you need to - 925-989-0100 - day of event. Location: 3011 Griffon Street East, Danville, CA 94506.

SPARC VP Debate Party - Santa Clara: 5:30 to 8:00 PM
Join the South Peninsula Area Republican Coalition to watch the Vice Presidential debate with fellow Republicans, and cheer on our candidate, Sarah Palin. The debate begins at 6:00 PM and lasts for 90 minutes. Appetizers and no-host bar.

Members $22, non-members $25. Pay in advance or at the door. Reserve at [email protected], 650-917-9125, or online here. Location: David's Restaurant, 5151 Stars and Stripes Drive, Santa Clara

Menlo Park VP Debate Watching Party: 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Watch the Vice Presidential Debate of a Lifetime!!! We have reserved the Heated Beer Garden & Indoor Patio complete with flat screen TVs. So come early and bring your family for some food and fun. FREE EVENT!! (Ok, burgers & the bar's famous deviled eggs are extra but cheap and tasty! And please tip the staff.)

Location: the Historic Dutch Goose Sports Bar, 3567 Alameda de las Pulgas, Menlo Park. DIRECTIONS: From HWY 101 OR HWY 280 to Woodside Rd. From Woodside Road go South on Alameda de las Pulgas. PLEASE ENTER VIA BEER GARDEN IN REAR OF RESTAURANT. Day of Event call cell phone: 650-267-9710 if you need help. Earlier call San Mateo County Republican Party HQ: 650-259-9786.

San Francisco VP Debate Watching Party: Thursday, October 2, 5:30PM
Please join the San Francisco Young Republicans and other supporters of McCain/Palin to watch the Vice Presidential Debate. We'll be in the main bar section of JONES - wear your red, white and blue! RSVP to Mike Antonini at [email protected] or 415-533-2829. Location: Jones Bar, 2400 Lombard St (at Scott), San Francisco

Victory 2008 Headquarters

Phone banks are in operation throughout the Bay Area. Please contact your local Victory HQ to help. You may also contact our Victory 2008 Deputy Regional Political Director for the Bay Area, Nathan Conrad, for further information at 571-438-2465 or [email protected].


ALAMEDA - San Leandro - 510-638-3414 or [email protected]
ALAMEDA - Pleasanton - 510-638-3414 or [email protected]
CONTRA COSTA - Walnut Creek - 925-930-9551 or [email protected]
MARIN - San Rafael - [email protected]
SAN MATEO - Burlingame - [email protected]
SANTA CLARA - San Jose - 408-246-6600 or email [email protected]
SANTA CLARA - Morgan Hill - 408-246-6600 or email [email protected]

Many headquarters are doing precinct walks as well. Please sign up to walk or do a shift phoning.


Fundraising Reception for Florida Rep Adam Hasner: Thursday, October 2, 5:30-7:30 PM

You are cordially invited to a fundraising reception honoring Florida House Majority Leader Adam Hasner, State Representative, District 87.

Maximum Contribution: $500 per person and/or business (Corporate and personal checks accepted). Please make checks payable to: Adam Hasner Campaign Account. Please RSVP by September 25 to Jamie at [email protected] or 561.212.6662. Hosted by Linda and Skip Law, 128 Atherton Avenue, Atherton

Breakfast with Dean Andal and Tom Cole: Friday, October 3, 7:30 AM

You are cordially invited to attend a breakfast with Congressional candidate Dean Andal and special guest Congressman Tom Cole, Chairman, National Republican Congressional Committee.

$35 person. Business attire. RSVP to Michael Caporusso at [email protected] . Location: Castlewood Country Club, 707 Country Club Circle, Pleasanton

Walk and/or Drive for Dean: Saturday, October 4, 9:00 AM

Help Elect Dean Andal to Congress - Our Best Hope for Positive Representation in Washington! We'll be driving to homes of voters valuable to Dean's campaign & leaving informative, issue oriented door hangers. Just a couple of hours of your time will make a BIG difference, & we'll have fun with our fellow volunteers!

* Help us Plan! * RSVP to [email protected] or 209-622-4510. Location: Pacific Funding Office Building, 1210 Central Blvd, Brentwood, CA


Special S.F. Luncheon with Orson Swindle: Saturday, October 4, 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Please join guest speakers and former Vietnam P.O.W.s Col. Orson Swindle (ret.) and Col. Bob Stirm (ret.) for a special luncheon and McCain-Palin campaign update.

Cost is $42.50 per guest, and seating is limited, so please make your reservation early. RSVP to Chuck McDougald at [email protected] . Location: Marines Memorial Club, Crystal Room, 11th floor, 609 Sutter Street, San Francisco

McCain-Palin Unity Rally with Orson Swindle: Saturday, October 4, 3:00-5:00 PM

You are cordially invited to join the Vietnamese-American community, the McCain Asian American Coalition, and Bay Area Vets for McCain-Palin for a Unity Rally. Special guest: Mr. Orson Swindle (POW 1966-1973 North Vietnam).

For more information, please contact Bill Applegate at 415-637-8070 or David Mac at 408-313-7831. Location: 775 North 10th St. Suite 116, San Jose

Burlingame Brunch with Governor Sarah Palin: Sunday, October 5

McCain-Palin Victory California invites you to a brunch with the Vice Presidential Nominee, Governor Sarah Palin. 10:30 AM Host Committee Reception; 11:00 AM Brunch.

Individual tickets $1000 per person; higher options available. All RSVP's and contributions must be received by Wednesday, October 1, 2008. No RSVP's or contributions will be taken at the door. For additional information or questions, please see attached reply form or contact Caitlin Ashlock at [email protected] or 310-309-2101.

** Please arrive with ample time due to security measures. ** Location: Hyatt Regency, 1333 Bayshore Highway, Burlingame, California

Lincoln Club Reception for Abram Wilson: Monday, October 6, 5:30 - 7:00 PM

The Lincoln Club of Northern California cordially invites you to an evening reception for 15th State Assembly District Candidate Abram Wilson. $500 per person and up. For information or to RSVP contact Dylan George at 415-422-0450. Location: The home of Lincoln Club Partisan Affairs Committee Chairman John and Carol Hamilton, Woodside, CA

Jewish Community Presidential Voter's Forum - Election 2008: Monday, October 6, 7:00 PM

The community is invited to this very important forum. Co-sponsored by: Republican Jewish Coalition, Jewish Community Relations Council, Raoul Wallenberg Democratic Club, and Congregation Emanu-el. Please come with your questions as we examine the policies of Senators McCain and Obama and their views on the issues of concern to the Jewish community.

Panelists Larry Greenfield, California Director, Republican Jewish Coalition and Jeff Bleich, Democratic Representative. Moderator Michael Krasney, KQED Radio Host.

More information: Jessica Trubowitch at [email protected]. Location: Congregatin Emanu-el, 2 Lake Street (at Arguello), San Francisco

Second Presidential Debate: Tuesday, October 7, 6 PM

Town hall format. Where: Belmont University, Nashville, Tennessee

San Mateo Debate Party: Tuesday, October 7, 6 - 9 PM
The Debate Party for can be found at by going to McCain Nation or email Connie Chaltas at [email protected] . The debate itself starts at 6 PM. Bring friends! We may do a little phone banking too. Location: Round Table Pizza in San Mateo

League of Women Voters SD3 Candidate Forum: Tuesday, October 7, 6 - 7 PM

Republican Sashi McEntee and Democrat Mark Leno will face questions from the League of Women Voters of San Francisco/Marin and the public during a Candidate Forum. They are seeking the 3rd State Senate District seat, which includes portions of San Francisco, Marin, and Sonoma.

The moderator is veteran broadcaster Nicole Sawaya. All are welcome. The forum will be rebroadcast on public access cable stations and have video online at . Location: San Francisco Main Public Library, Koret Auditorium, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco

Conservative Forum of Silicon Valley presents Steve Frank: Tuesday, October 7, 7:00 PM

Political consultant and newsletter publisher Steve Frank will discuss state and national politics, and the election four weeks off.

First time guests are free; non-members are $10. Check in: 6:30 PM, meeting begins at 7:00 PM. Where: American Legion Hall, 958 Homestead Road, Santa Clara. For more information, visit:

Palo Alto RWF Lunch with Dr. Gloria Hom on Propositions: Wednesday, October 8, 11:30 AM

You are invited to join the Palo Alto Republican Women Federated members at their lunch meeting. Dr. Gloria Hom, chairwoman of the Mission College Economics Department for 35 years, will explain the ballot propositions. 11:30 AM social, 12:00 luncheon.

Cost: $20. Food choices: Florentine Breast of Chicken, Shrimp Louie, or Italian Style Baked Cannelloni. To reserve: Make check payable to PARWF and mail with food choice to: Nat Hanson, 341 Richelieu Court, Los Altos CA 94022. Deadline: Wednesday, October 1. Questions: Nat at 650-941-0445. Location: Michaels at Shoreline, Mountain View

East Contra Costa County Republican Women Luncheon: Thursday, October 9, 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM

Guest Speaker: Brad Dacus, Pacific Justice Institute. His topic: Updates on cases PJ attorneys are working on in California, plus election issues, including Prop 8. Cost $20. RSVP to Lynne Willenburg by Oct. 2 at 925-634-7826. Location: The Nines Restaurant, Brentwood Golf Club, 1740 Balfour Road, Brentwood

Dhillon '08 Reception with Tom Campbell: Thursday, October 9, 6:00 to 8:00 PM

Harmeet Dhillon for Assembly hosts a special guest, former Congressman and recent Berkeley business dean Tom Campbell. Hors d'oeuvres will be served. To learn more about Harmeet and her campaign, please visit .

Suggested contribution: $100 Supporter, $250 Friend, $1000 Patron. RSVP to Dhillon for Assembly at [email protected] or 415-706-0407. Location: the new Amber India Restaurant, 25 Yerba Buena Lane (off Market St between 2nd St and 3rd St), San Francisco

CYR Walk for Dean Andal: Saturday, October 11, 9 AM

Come join the California Young Republicans for a Walk for Dean Andal for Congress. For more information, contact Jenniffer at [email protected] or 510-579-9197. Meeting Place: Pleasanton GOP Victory Office, 4637 Chabot Dr, Suite 102, Pleasanton

Cordi for Congress Fundraiser: Sunday, October 12, 3:00 - 5:00 PM

The Cordi for Congress Campaign and Len Duncan cordially invite you to a fundraiser for Joyce Stoer Cordi for election to the U. S. Congress, 15th District. Hors d'oeuvres, soft drinks and wine will be served.

Suggested donation $100, couples $150. RSVP & information: Len Duncan 408-499-1979; [email protected]; or to [email protected] . Location: The Duncan residence, 1317 Echo Valley Drive, San Jose, California 95120 (see directions attached)

Election 2008: Jewish Vote Forum in the East Bay: Sunday, October 12, 6:30 PM

The community is invited to a very important Jewish Vote Forum: Election 2008 sponsored by the Republican Jewish Coalition, Jewish Community Relations Council - East Bay , Tri-Valley Democratic Club, Contra Costa JCC, and the Jewish Community Federation of the Greater East Bay.

Please come with your questions as we examine the policies of Senator John McCain and Senator Barack Obama and their views on the issues of concern to the Jewish community.

Moderator: Dan Cohen, President, Full Court Press Communications. Panelists: Larry Greenfield, California Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, and Larry Magid, California Democratic Party.

6:30 PM Refreshments; 7:00 - 9:00 PM Program. ALL ARE WELCOME! Please RSVP to Myrna David, JCRC Regional Director at [email protected] or 510-839-2900x217. Location: Contra Costa Jewish Community Center, 2071 Tice Valley Blvd., Walnut Creek

Republican Jewish Coalition East Bay Luncheon with Larry Greenfield: Monday, October 13

Come to meet fellow Jewish Republicans and hear a special update from RJC California Director Larry Greenfield on "Election 2008". No-host luncheon. Please call the RJC CA office to RSVP at 310-478-0752. Location: Per Tutti, 3576 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Lafayette

Ygnacio Valley RWF Mixer with Larry Greenfield: Monday, October 13, 5:30 - 8:00 PM

The Ygnacio Valley Republican Women Federated host a Mixer/Cocktail Party with guest speaker Larry Greenfield, California Regional Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, speaking on "Election 2008: American Hero v. American Idol". No host bar.

YVRW members $25, non-members $30. Reservations: Barbara Allen at 925/672-5061. Location: Zio Fraedo's Restaurant, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill

Third Presidential Debate: Wednesday, October 15, 6 PM

Domestic Policy Focus. Where: Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York

There will several parties around the Bay Area on Thursday to watch the final presidential debate. Here are a couple of them. You can find more in the McCain Nation section of

Marin Presidential Debate Watching Party: Wednesday, October 15, 5 - 8 PM
The Marin County Republican Party invites you to a Debate Rally to meet like minded supporters - bring an undecided friend! Watch John McCain demonstrate his domestic policy expertise! Light refreshments/intense conversation. The debate starts promptly at 6 PM.

Contribution: $15/person (students with student ID's and those under 18 admitted for free) to cover costs. Contributions can be made online here or at the door. We need RSVP's to [email protected] or 415-332-3167. Location: 888 4th Street, San Rafael

SPARC Debate Party in Mountain View: Wednesday, October 15, 5:30 to 8:00 PM
Come watch the Presidential Debate With fellow Republicans, and cheer on our candidate, John McCain. Cheese and crackers; no-host bar. The debate begins at 6:00 PM and lasts for 90 minutes. Cost: Free. Location: Michaels at Shoreline, 2960 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View

October Calendar

Abram Wilson for Assembly Precinct Walking: Every weekend
The Wilson Campaign will be walking every weekend until Election Day! There will be walks in the following areas: Contra Costa - Walnut Creek, Alamo, Danville, Brentwood, Oakley, Byron and Discovery Bay. Alameda - Livermore. HQ: 2410 Camino Ramon, Suite 110, San Ramon Ca 94583. Please call 925-867-3474 or email [email protected] if you can help.

First Day for Mailing Absentee Ballots: Monday, October 6

Monthly Meeting of SVGOP: Wednesday, October 8, 7:00 PM
Come meet fellow Republicans at our Silicon Valley GOP gathering. Location: Newton Auditorium, County Admin Bldg, 70 West Hedding St, San Jose (at the intersection of N First and Hedding).

Greg Conlon TV Appearance: Wednesday, October 8, 7:30 PM
Congressional candidate Greg Conlon appears on "Issues Today" on public cable channel 15 in San Jose and Campbell.

The Contra Costa Council AD 15 Candidates Forum featuring Mayor Abram Wilson: Friday, October 10, 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Ticket Price: Members $35 and Non-Members $50. Contact: Contra Costa Council at 925-246-1880. Location: Round Hill Country Club, 3169 Round Hill Road, Alamo

Marin County Republican Central Committee Monthly Meeting: Thursday, October 30, 7:00 PM
Where: Villa Inn, 1600 Lincoln Avenue, San Rafael

Save The Date!

Lamorinda Republican Women Luncheon Meeting with Charles Bell: Thursday, October 16, 11:30 AM
The Lamorinda Republican Women, Federated host attorney Charles Bell, General Counsel to the California Republican Party and senior partner of Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP. Featured topic: "All the Answers to All the Questions You Have About the Republican Party, Politics and the Law"

11:30 AM - Arrival/Networking, 12:00 - Luncheon, 12:30 - Speaker. Cost: $25 luncheon/$15 speaker only. Reservations required - please call 925-254-8617 by Thursday, October 9. Location: Orinda Country Club, 315 Camino Sobrante, Orinda

Republican Women Host Mary Bono Mack and Dean Andal: Thursday, October 16, 5:30 PM
This event is hosted by the Republican Women's Federated Groups of Contra Costa and Alameda Counties. Special guests are Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack and congressional candidate Dean Andal. Hors d'oeuvres, no host cocktails.

Cost: $25. RSVP to: Marilyn Bradley, 116 Sedgefield Court, San Ramon, CA 94583. Make check payable to: CFRW-NDVI. Location: Blackhawk Country Club, 599 Blackhawk Club Drive, Danville

LWV Candidates Forum in Palo Alto: Saturday, October 18, 2:00 PM
The League of Women Voters of Palo Alto presents a Meet the Candidates Q&A. Assembly Candidates Annalisa Temple and Ira Ruskin. State Senate Candidates Blair Nathan and Joe Simitian. Location: Unitarian Universalist of Palo Alto, 505 E. Charleston Rd., Palo Alto. Flyer

Hors D'Oeuvres Reception in Honor of Abram Wilson: Monday, October 20, 6 - 8 PM
Featuring Special Guests: Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, Assembly Minority Leader Mike Villines, and Assemblyman Guy Houston. $250 per person, $3600 for Hosts.

Please R.S.V.P. to The Bovee Company at 916-498-9223 ext. 735. Please make checks payable to: Friends of Abram Wilson, ID# 1298169, 1127 11th Street, Suite 310, Sacramento, CA 95814. Location: Canyon View Dining Hall, 680 Bollinger Canyon Way, San Ramon

72-Hour Get Out The Vote Program: Saturday, November 1 to Tuesday, November 4

Election Day: Tuesday, November 4

Be sure to visit my website for the latest information:

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Bay Area Republican Party Vice Chairman Luis Buhler | 21908 Almaden Ave. | Cupertino | CA | 95014