RWSFF Dinner Featuring Harmeet Dhillon

Wednesday, May 23, 2018 6:00 pm -
The St. Francis Yacht Club, Golden Gate Room
700 Marina Boulevard (On The Marina)
San Francisco, CA

Join the Republican Women of San Francisco, Federated (formerly the Nob Hill Republican Women's Club Federated) for their dinner meeting with special guest Harmeet Kaur Dhillon.  She is Republican National Committee Committeewoman for California, founder and senior partner of Dhillon Law Group Inc., and frequent guest on national news show advocating for Republican ideals.  View the invitation.

RSVP:  Register by sending a check payable to RWSFF by Wednesday, May 16,  to Joan Leone, 3476 Sacramento Street, #101, San Francisco, CA 94118. Cost:  $55 for Members; $65 for Non-Members. Reception begins at 6:00pm; Dinner at 6:45pm; Program at 7:45pm. Questions? Contact Joan at or call (415) 567-7424. Reservations Required.

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