The week’s events

  • SVARW Breakfast Meeting Featuring Karen Watson

    SVARW Breakfast Meeting Featuring Karen Watson

    Wednesday, June 26, 2019

    The Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women (SVARW) will host a breakfast meeting with featured speaker Karen Watson, author, Founder and President of Her topic will be, “How the Democrats Stole the Black Vote and How the Republicans Can Win it Back!” Learn more.

    RSVP: Purchase tickets online. Cost: $15 (includes buffet breakfast.) Free to Premium Members. Check-in begins at 9am; Program at 9:30am.

    Sonoma County GOP Presents David Wolfe

    Sonoma County GOP Presents David Wolfe

    Wednesday, June 26, 2019

    Join the Sonoma County Republican Party as they host their Speaker Series with David Wolfe, Legislative Director of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association.

    Cost: $20 per person – refreshments will be served. All registered Republicans are invited to attend.