January 2019 BayAreaGOP Newsletter Articles

2019 Brings Leadership Changes to California GOP

After a challenging 2018 election, Republicans will gather in Sacramento on February 22-24 to elect new leadership for our party.

On Sunday February 24, party delegates will choose a new Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer as no incumbents are running for re-election.  In addition, elections for the five regional vice chair positions will take place on Saturday morning February 23.  No incumbent regional vice chairs are running for re-election so all five regional vice chairs will be serving in their roles for the first time.

This sweeping change in leadership will determine the direction of the California Republican Party for the next two years and potentially for much longer.

California Republicans can participate in the convention as delegates, associate delegates and guests. Please feel free to contact BayAreaGOP.com if you are interested in participating.  Visit our CAGOP Convention web page for a calendar of key dates and deadlines and links to convention registration, schedules and hotel reservations.  We look forward to seeing you in Sacramento.

Jason Clark Runs for Bay Area Vice Chair

Jason Clark, Chairman of the San Francisco Republican Party, is running for Bay Area Regional Vice Chair.  Clark, an experienced Republican volunteer group leader, is also a  recent Cox for Governor coordinator, a frequent Republican media spokesperson, and an attorney.

The job has opened up as incumbent Sue Caro has decided not to run for reelection.  The position will be elected by convention delegates at the regional meeting in Sacramento on Saturday morning, February 23.  The Bay Area region consists of Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Marin Counties. 

Jason Clark’s website relates, “As SFGOP Chairman, Jason has worked tirelessly to recruit candidates, energize volunteers, and represent Republican values in one of America’s most Liberal cities.”  He has made many media appearances representing the Party, including with Fox Business Channel and various Bay Area stations.

Clark’s priorities for the job include: fighting for state party resources for our region; providing regional training efforts for candidates and volunteers; applying technology effectively to reach voters; fundraising for candidate support; and preparing to deal with the new voting laws passed by the Democrats.

Jason Clark has worked for several companies as an attorney and project manager assisting clients in managing their electronic information for litigation.  In a big case many computer documents need to be preserved, organized, and reviewed for evidence.  In addition, he has worked in solo practice with business and non-profit clients.

A native of California, Jason Clark earned a Political Science degree at UC Berkeley, where he was a Regents’ Scholar and a member of the Cal Band (he played trumpet).  He subsequently earned a JD degree at the University of San Francisco School of Law and became a practicing attorney.

Jason has been active in Republican politics for over 15 years.  He served on the boards of the San Francisco Young Republicans and the SF Log Cabin Republicans and is the Immediate Past Chairman of the Log Cabin Republicans of California.  He served as General Counsel and First Vice Chair of the San Francisco Republican Party before becoming Chairman.  He also ran for Assembly District 17 in 2012, running far ahead of Republican registration. 

The Regional Vice Chair position represents the region on the California Republican Party Board of Directors and provides leadership and support to the region’s Republican county committees. 

Jason says, “As chairman in San Francisco, I’ve watched as San Francisco Democrats have turned California into San Francisco. Here in the Bay Area, Democrats are complacent.  If we expect to win in this state, we need to bring the battle to the Bay Area and make them fight in the heart of their constituency.”

Jason enjoys traveling and has been to 35 countries on 6 continents.  He lives in the Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco.  You can find out more on his campaign website at www.jason4vicechair.com.