March 2021 BayAreaGOP Newsletter Articles

CAGOP Launches Digital Ad Campaign to Recall Governor

The California Republican Party released three new digital ads urging Californians to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom. The ads headline the Governor’s repeated failure to live by the same rules he has imposed on Californians.

 In addition, they highlight the billions of dollars fraudulently paid out by his Employment Development Department and the bungled vaccine roll out that puts California near the bottom of states in treating their population.

One ad shows Newsom dining at the high-end French Laundry restaurant while asking families to forgo their indoor holiday gatherings.  Another shows empty playground swings to illustrate closed public schools while Newsom sends his kids to private school.

The California GOP has fully committed its resources to recalling the Governor, according to newly appointed Recall Committee Chair, Lindsey Stetson.  The CAGOP has activated its 44,000 volunteer network to make over 1.1 million phone calls urging Republicans to sign the recall petition.  In addition, the CAGOP has deployed its staff and field offices to support the signing, gathering and return of recall petitions.

CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Patterson and California’s Republican National Committee members were able to generate $200,000 in additional recall funding from the RNC.  $125,000 was contributed for paid signature gathering and the remaining $75,000 funded digital advertising and a texting campaign to support the signature gathering efforts.

The CAGOP has also been actively promoting the recall campaign via email and social media posts.  This campaign has included 1.5 million emails as well as numerous tweets and posts on Instagram and Facebook.

You can download and sign the recall petition by clicking on the box on this home page.

SPARC Presents: “Why California Needs a New Leader” Featuring Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 / 6:00 pm
Online (Via Zoom)

Join former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer as he discusses why California needs a new leader. During Falconer’s term, San Diego was the largest U.S. city with a Republican mayor. SPARC, the South Peninsula Area Coalition of Republicans, is pleased to co-host this event with the California Congress of Republicans (CCR). Learn more.

RSVP: Please click here to register for this event. Guests must register in advance.

Paid for by Faulconer for Governor 2022,
PO Box 6871, San Diego CA 92166-6871.

Jessica Patterson Reelected as CRP Chairwoman

Bay Area’s Peter Kuo Reelected as Vice Chair; Jonathan Madison as Regional Vice Chair

by Roger Riffenburgh

At the California Republican Party’s recent online state convention, Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson won a solid reelection victory. She received over 62% of the delegate votes. She campaigned on her success both in partybuilding – recruiting 42,000 volunteers and raising $36 million, as well as election results – taking back four of the congressional seats that Republicans had lost in 2018. She also laid out her priorities: “This fall, we must recall Gavin Newsom to save our great state, and next year, we must retire Nancy Pelosi to save our country. That is our focus, and we will not be divided or distracted.”

Statewide Vice Chairman Peter Kuo also won reelection at the convention, with nearly 77% of the vote. Peter is a delegate from Santa Clara. Asked about his plans going forward, Peter said, “I look forward to two more years of growth of our Party’s base by attracting new immigrants, hard working middle class folks, people of faith, people who want to defend the police, people who want their children to go back to school and re-open our businesses. We the people deserve a better Governor and legislators–the Democrat Party has failed the people of California. It’s time for a real change.”

Bay Area Regional Vice Chair Jonathan Madison won a second term at the Saturday morning regional meeting with 83% of the vote. Jonathan is an attorney who lives in Alameda County. He said, “I plan to lead Bay Area Republicans into a more prominent role in the Recall Newsom effort. We need real leadership at the state and local level. It’s time for Republicans to lead that effort for our state and nation.” He also plans to continue coordinating with the six county Party chairs in the region as well as doing more of his innovative outreach events.

In the Central Coast Region, which includes Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San Benito Counties, among others, Lindsey Stetson was reelected as Vice Chair and appointed by Chairwoman Patterson to head the Recall Committee.  In the North Region, which includes Napa, Sonoma, and Solano Counties, Matt Heath was reelected.

The next state convention is planned for September 24-26.

Marin Republican Women Present Sally Zelikovsky

Wednesday, March 24, 2021 / 11:30 am
Online via Zoom

The Marin Republican Women Federated present a virtual meeting with speaker Sally Zelikovsky, political activist, writer, and columnist for American Thinker. Sally lived in Marin for 14 years and organized Bay Area conservatives before returning in 2014 to her native New Jersey. Topic: “Why Now Is Not The Time To Give Up”. Club website.

RSVP: Advance reservations required. Please email reservations to: [email protected]. Zoom instructions for how to attend will be sent to those who reserve.