News from the Convention

Sally Zelikovsky Report to the Independent Journal —

Given the mood of Republicans for victory at all costs, having Cheap Trick’s “Surrender” blaring on the PA when we entered the floor for the second night of the convention couldn’t have been more appropriate.

It also seems, now that the business of the convention is behind us, the silly hats have come out of hiding — from floppy elephants riding atop one’s head in a sea of red, white and blue, to conventional straw hats with elephant beanie babies surrounded by buttons and pins from elections past. Convention fun is just beginning.

What you might not see in the news is the diversity and youth in attendance. Although President Obama captured the youth vote in 2008, with nearly 50 percent of 18- to 25-year-olds being under or unemployed, I’m not sure Obama will be able to maintain this monopoly.    Read more…