Events in March–June 2019

  • Solano Republicans Monthly Dinner

    Solano Republicans Monthly Dinner

    Friday, March 22, 2019

    Join the Solano County Republican Party at their Monthly Dinner.

    RSVP: Cost: $20 per person.  Register online here.  Call (707) 422-5000 for more info. 

  • Solano RWF Presents Harmeet Dhillon

    Solano RWF Presents Harmeet Dhillon

    Monday, May 6, 2019

    Attorney and Republican National Committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon will be the featured speaker at the Solano Republican Women Federated’s April luncheon. Her topic will be, “Free Speech Under Attack in America – The Problem and What We Can Do To Fight Back.” View the invitation.

    RSVP: Call (707) 427-0944 by April 26. Cost: $30 with lunch; $10 without Lunch.