Events in July–October 2019

  • Volunteer at the Sonoma County Fair

    Volunteer at the Sonoma County Fair

    Sunday, August 11, 2019

    The Sonoma County Republican Party is accepting volunteers to work at their Sonoma County Fair booth August 1 – 11. You will be passing out information, assisting with voter registration, and signing up volunteers.

    RSVP: View the schedule and sign up at this link.

  • Sonoma County GOP Presents Evening with Harmeet Dhillon

    Sonoma County GOP Presents Evening with Harmeet Dhillon

    Friday, September 13, 2019

    Join the Sonoma County Republican Party as they host an Evening with Attorney and RNC National Committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon.

    Cost: Reserve your tickets online. $75 per person through Aug. 15; $80 after Aug. 15.


  • Santa Rosa RWF Evening Meeting with Student Panel

    Santa Rosa RWF Evening Meeting with Student Panel

    Tuesday, September 24, 2019

    The Santa Rosa Republican Women Federated will hold an evening meeting featuring a panel of college students. Noelle Dahl and Luke Gover will discuss “Defending Free Speech on Campus: How Conservative Student Leaders are Standing Strong.”

    RSVP: Call (707) 217-3945 to reply. Cost: $36 with reservations; $42 at the door. Social Hour begins at 5:15pm; Dinner at 6pm.

  • Santa Rosa RWF Luncheon Meeting Featuring Mark Meuser

    Santa Rosa RWF Luncheon Meeting Featuring Mark Meuser

    Tuesday, October 22, 2019

    The Santa Rosa Republican Women Federated will hold luncheon meeting featuring Mark Meuser, Attnorney and 2018 Candidate for Secretary of State. His topic will be, “Understanding California’s Elections: What Republicans must do to win in California again.” Learn more.

    RSVP: Mail checks payable to SRRWF to 1585 Terrace Wat #306, Santa Rosa, CA 95404. Cost: $28 with reservations; $33 at the door.

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