Events in February–May 2021

  • Napa Republican Party Invites you to a Workday BBQ!

    Napa Republican Party Invites you to a Workday BBQ!

    Saturday, May 22, 2021

    We have a great event hosted by the Napa GOP on Saturday, May 22nd! Come by Esther Deaver Park at 10AM for a BBQ and workday. Bring a shovel, a bucket, some pruning shears, and you. We’ll spread a load of wood chips that the City of Napa has provided and cut a few snags from the trees. We’ll work for an hour or two listening to great music and then feast on hamburgers, salads, drinks, chips – all provided by the Napa GOP! Hey, let’s have some fun and show Napa who really does their part to make Napa better! Other tools like wheelbarrows would be appreciated, but most will be provided by Napa GOP. Just be there!

    RSVP: Please contact to RSVP or if you have any questions.

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