Events in November 2020–February 2021

  • San Mateo Presidential Election Watch Party

    San Mateo Presidential Election Watch Party

    Tuesday, November 3, 2020

    The San Mateo County Republican Party invites you to join them for the Presidential Election Watch Party.

    RSVP: Learn more and reply at  Register by midnight on November 1 and pay just $60 – tickets are $70 on November 2 & 3.  Location provided upon RSVP.


  • Marin RWF hosts Perspective: Results of the Elect 2020 – What Now? featuring Ron Ross, Contributor to American Spectator

    Marin RWF hosts Perspective: Results of the Elect 2020 – What Now? featuring Ron Ross, Contributor to American Spectator

    Wednesday, November 18, 2020

    Marin Republican Women’s Federated hosts Ron Ross, Ph.D., author, writer and contributor to American Spectator and former economics professor and author of The Unbeatable Market.

    Event is free to attend.  MRWF suggests a purchase of a gift certificate for use at a late date for The Club at McInnis Park restaurant to support the organization’s usual meeting venue.  Restaurant is open for take-out or dine-in on the patio.

    RSVP for your reservation to or call (415) 492-2514.  Advanced reservation is required to receive Zoom link.  Deadline to reserve is Friday, November 13.

    CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring Dr. Michael Auslin on U.S. – China Relations

    CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring Dr. Michael Auslin on U.S. – China Relations

    Wednesday, November 18, 2020

    The California Congress of Republicans, SPARC and other Bay Area CCR chapters will host a virtual meeting featuring Dr. Michael Auslin of the Hoover Institution, who will discuss “U.S. – China Relations – Impact of the 2020 Elections, COVID, & Trade Negotiations.”

    RSVP: Register for this free briefing at this link.


  • CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring John Fund with an Election Review

    CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring John Fund with an Election Review

    Monday, December 7, 2020

    The California Congress of Republicans, SPARC and other Bay Area CCR chapters will host a virtual meeting featuring John Fund, National Affairs Columnist for National Review magazine and a on-air analyst on the Fox News Channel. He is considered a notable expert on American politics and the nexus between politics and economics. He will provide a briefing on the November election results.

    RSVP: Register for this free briefing at this link.


  • CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring Rep. Mike Garcia and Jessica Patterson

    CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring Rep. Mike Garcia and Jessica Patterson

    Monday, January 18, 2021

    The California Congress of Republicans, SPARC and other Bay Area CCR chapters will host a virtual meeting featuring Republican Congressman Mike Garcia and CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Patterson. With four flipped seats accomplished in the November election, Patterson is ready to take that momentum to gain more seats in the House of Representatives in 2022. Come hear Representative Garcia and Chairwoman Patterson discuss their plans for 2021 and beyond.

    RSVP: Learn more and register for this free briefing at this link.

  • Marin Republican Women Federated Presents: Andrea Widburg on What Do We Need To Do Now?

    Marin Republican Women Federated Presents: Andrea Widburg on What Do We Need To Do Now?

    Wednesday, January 27, 2021

    Andrea Widburg is a Bay Area native who recently became a full-time editor and writer for the American Thinker, an online conservative publication. This discussion will revolve around What do we need to do now?

    RSVP: Please register before January 22, 2021 by phone at: (415) 492-2514 or by sending an email to:






  • CA GOP: Meet the Candidates and Q&A

    CA GOP: Meet the Candidates and Q&A

    Monday, February 15, 2021

    Meet the candidates that want to run the California Republican Party for the next two years.  All incumbents are running for reelection. Only the Chair is being challenged. Incumbent Jessica Milan Patterson and challenger Steve Frank have different approaches. You need to hear their approach to turn California RED.  You can enter your thoughts on the chat and it will be shared with the candidates.

    Speakers include:

    • Jessica Millan Patterson, for Chair
    • Steve Frank, for Chair
    • Peter Kuo, for Vice Chair
    • Randy Berholtz, for Secretary
    • Jonathan Madison, for Bay Area Regional Chair
    • Greg Gandrud, for Treasurer

    RSVP: Please click here to register for this event.

  • CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring Prof. Michael McConnell on What’s Next for the Supreme Court

    CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring Prof. Michael McConnell on What’s Next for the Supreme Court

    Wednesday, February 17, 2021

    The California Congress of Republicans, SPARC and other Bay Area CCR chapters will host a virtual meeting featuring Stanford Law Professor Michael McConnell. Professor McConnell is the Richard and Frances Mallery Professor and Director of the Constitutional Law Center at Stanford Law School, and a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. From 2002 to 2009, he served as a Circuit Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. He will discuss “What’s Next for the United States Supreme Court.”

    RSVP: Registration will open soon.

  • Marin Republican Women Federated Presents: How You Can Be A Player Now Featuring Cynthia Hacker

    Marin Republican Women Federated Presents: How You Can Be A Player Now Featuring Cynthia Hacker

    Wednesday, February 24, 2021

    Every time you are ‘voting’; that is, every time you make a phone call, write a letter, comment verbally at a Supervisor meeting, you are exercising your rights of free speech and your rights to do what you can do as CFRW members to affect our governance.

    Cynthia is our CFRW 3rd VP, Political Activities 2020 – 2021, a new office created in the 2019 restructuring of CFRW. She considers it not just ‘Political Activities’ but rather ‘Political Activist’. Learn more.

    RSVP: Please email Bonnie Stevens at to register for this event.

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