Events in September–December 2020

  • SVARW Friday Forum with Steve Frank

    SVARW Friday Forum with Steve Frank

    Friday, September 4, 2020

    The Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women (SVARW) will host a virtual briefing with featured speaker Steve Frank.

    RSVP: Register online.  Access information will be sent to registered guests.


  • Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley Presents John Yoo

    Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley Presents John Yoo

    Tuesday, September 8, 2020

    The Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley will host a free Zoom presentation by John Yoo,Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution and Emanuel S. Heller Professor of Law at the UC Berkeley School of Law.  Topic will be “Defender-in-Chief: Trump’s Constitutional Battles.”

    RSVP:  Sign up online. The event is free, but registration is required. A receipt will be emailed with further instructions to access the presentation.

  • CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring Assemblyman Kiley on Prop 22

    CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring Assemblyman Kiley on Prop 22

    Wednesday, September 16, 2020

    The California Congress of Republicans, SPARC and other Bay Area CCR chapters will host a virtual meeting featuring Assemblyman Kevin Kiley who will discuss the “The Gig Workers Initiative and the Fate of California.”

    RSVP: Register for this free briefing at this link.


  • West Valley RWF Luncheon Featuring Gloria Hom

    West Valley RWF Luncheon Featuring Gloria Hom

    Thursday, September 17, 2020

    The West Valley Republican Women Federated will host an outside luncheon featuring Gloria Hom, Educator, Economist, and Civic Leader. She will discuss the November ballot measures. Learn more.

    RSVP: Reply by Sept. 14 by calling Grace at (408) 499-1695. Cost: $28.


  • No on Prop 16 Milpitas Car Rally

    No on Prop 16 Milpitas Car Rally

    Saturday, September 19, 2020

    Join Proposition 16 opponents for a rally and a car rally. (Proposition 16 would repeal the Equal Protection Clause of the California Constitution and allow discrimination based upon race, sex, etc.)  More info.

    Schedule: 10:30 am – Parking and last minute decorations
    11 am – Rally with speakers
    11:30 am – Cars hit the road!

    RSVP:  Click here.

  • SVARW Presents Trevor Loudon

    SVARW Presents Trevor Loudon

    Wednesday, September 23, 2020

    Join the Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women as they host a virtual briefing by Trevor Loudon, an author, filmmaker, political researcher, and public speaker from New Zealand. His topic will be “Enemies Within”.

    RSVP: More info and online registration.  Access information will be sent to registered guests.


  • Making Your Vote Count with Shannon Bushey

    Making Your Vote Count with Shannon Bushey

    Thursday, September 24, 2020

    Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters, Shannon Bushey, will be the featured speaker on a webinar to bring you up to date on the election process.

    RSVP: Use this link to pre-register.

  • County of Santa Clara Civil Grand Jury Application Deadline

    County of Santa Clara Civil Grand Jury Application Deadline

    Friday, September 25, 2020

    The Superior Court of California in Santa Clara County is seeking volunteers to serve on the 2021 Civil Grand Jury. The grand jury serves as the county’s civil watchdog agency and may examine all aspects of county and city government, special districts, and school districts. It is authorized to inspect and audit books, records, and financial expenditures, to ensure accountability of public funds. The Grand Jury may also inspect jails and juvenile detention facilities.

    Applicants must be 18 years of age or older, United States citizens, and residents of Santa Clara County. Service on the grand jury does require a time commitment of an average of 25 hours per week, or as determined by the Grand Jury.

    Persons interested in applying may obtain an application online at under “Civil Grand Jury”. Questions may also be directed to Britney Huelbig, Deputy Manager for the Civil Grand Jury, at 408-882-2721 or [email protected]. The deadline to submit applications is September 25, 2020.

  • Trump 2020 Silicon Valley Overpass Rally

    Trump 2020 Silicon Valley Overpass Rally

    Saturday, September 26, 2020

    Join fellow Trump supporters for a rally from 11am to 2pm to support the president at the Bear Creek Exit overpass on Highway 17, south of Los Gatos.

    Rallies are planned for every Saturday until the election.


  • SVARW Friday Forum with Steve Frank

    SVARW Friday Forum with Steve Frank

    Friday, October 2, 2020

    The Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women (SVARW) will host a virtual briefing with featured speaker Steve Frank.

    RSVP: Register online.  Access information will be sent to registered guests.


  • SD 13 Candidate Alex Glew to Participate in Silicon Valley Organizing Ctte Candidate Forum

    SD 13 Candidate Alex Glew to Participate in Silicon Valley Organizing Ctte Candidate Forum

    Sunday, October 4, 2020

    State Senate District 13 Republican Nominee Alex Glew will be one of the featured candidates in the Silicon Valley Organizing Committee Candidate Forum.

    RSVP: Register online to watch the event and be sure to mark “Vote Alex Glew” as your Institution.

  • CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Preview of the General Election Featuring Lanhee Chen

    CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Preview of the General Election Featuring Lanhee Chen

    Monday, October 5, 2020

    The California Congress of Republicans, SPARC and other Bay Area CCR chapters will host a virtual briefing on the 2020 General Election, including what every voter needs to know about the twelve ballot measures, featuring Hoover Institution’s Lanhee Chen.

    RSVP: Register for this free briefing at this link.


  • Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley Presents Kurt A. Schlichter

    Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley Presents Kurt A. Schlichter

    Tuesday, October 13, 2020

    The Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley will host a free Zoom presentation by Kurt A. Schlichter, Retired Army Colonel, Senior Columnist at, Author, Commentator, and Stand-up Comic. He will discuss “The Coming Crisis and the Path to Conservative Victory.”

    RSVP:  Sign up online. The event is free, but registration is required. A receipt will be emailed with further instructions to access the presentation.

  • Republican Club of the Villages: Dr. Gloria Hom Reviews the Propositions

    Republican Club of the Villages: Dr. Gloria Hom Reviews the Propositions

    Wednesday, October 14, 2020

    The Republican Club of the Villages hosts Dr. Gloria Hom, professor and economist, to review the state ballot propositions in a Zoom meeting.

    Here is the info:

    Meeting Zoom Link

    Meeting ID: 890 8746 4847
    Passcode: 282445

    Dial by your location
    +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
    +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

  • Red Wave Trump Car Rally

    Red Wave Trump Car Rally

    Sunday, October 25, 2020

    Red Wave Car Rally bannerTired of the attacks on America, the Constitution and your rights? Come join the Car Rally on Sunday.

    Meet at a closed Health Club parking lot at 11am; then the Caravan will start at 11:30. The route will be given out once you arrive. Decorate your cars anyway you like with signs or car flags supporting America, Trump or the Police.

    The cars will line up in the parking lot instead of piling into spaces so we can get out of the parking lot quicker.

    Please be sure to sign the RECALL NEWSOM PETITION before or after Rally!

    Host: Dottie Polyniak

  • SVARW Breakfast Meeting with Mark Meuser

    SVARW Breakfast Meeting with Mark Meuser

    Wednesday, October 28, 2020

    The Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women (SVARW) will host a breakfast meeting featuring Mark Meuser, election law attorney of counsel with the Dhillon Law Group. As 2018 candidate for California Secretary of State, Mark uncovered incident after incident of voter fraud. He will speak on “Election Integrity or Election Interference?”

    This is the first in-person meeting. It will be inside! Because of Newsome’s dictates, Flames is restricted on the number that can attend. You must be PRE-REGISTERED to attend. They cannot take walk ins. Register today so you don’t miss out.

    RSVP: Purchase tickets online. Cost: $20 for members; $25 for non-members (includes plated breakfast.) Free to Premium Members. Check-in begins at 9am; Program at 9:30am.

  • East Valley Congress of Republicans – Election Night Party

    East Valley Congress of Republicans – Election Night Party

    Tuesday, November 3, 2020

    Join us on election night to watch the totals come in.  Bring your banners/flags and wear your MAGA hat!

    General Location: Milpitas–Near Hwy 680 and Jacklin Exit – Exact location will be given after your paid reservation.

    $35 Per Person–Includes dinner and one soft drink; choice of Salad, Chicken Salad or Cheese Burger. No Host Bar available.

    Media will be present.

    Election Result Watch Party in Milpitas

    Election Result Watch Party in Milpitas

    Tuesday, November 3, 2020

    Join with your fellow Republicans to watch the local and Presidential Election results. Bring your flags, banners, signs, and wear your MAGA hats! Media will be present.

    RSVP: Visit this link to register. Attendance will be limited. Cost: $35 per person.

  • SVARW Friday Forum featuring Steve Frank

    SVARW Friday Forum featuring Steve Frank

    Friday, November 6, 2020

    The Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women (SVARW) to discuss election results via Zoom meeting.

  • Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley Presents: The Battle for Free Speech Online

    Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley Presents: The Battle for Free Speech Online

    Tuesday, November 10, 2020

    A handful of startups are challenging the dominance of the tech titans who are starting to censor free speech. Parler is an unbiased free speech platform, and Rumble is a censorship free, video sharing platform. Their leaders will speak to the Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley to share a report from the front lines in the battle between free speech and tech tyranny.

    Planning is underway to possibly hold this meeting both in person and online.

    RSVP:  The event is free, but registration is required.  Register on the Liberty Forum website.

  • SVARW Breakfast Meeting with Graham Ledger

    SVARW Breakfast Meeting with Graham Ledger

    Wednesday, November 11, 2020

    The Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women (SVARW) will host a breakfast meeting featuring Graham Ledger, famous for his constitutional conservative news analysis and deep dives into the topics of the day, joins us for our November meeting.

    This is an in-person meeting and will be inside. Flames restaurant is restricted on the number that can attend. You must be PRE-REGISTERED to attend. They cannot take walk ins. Register today so you don’t miss out.

    RSVP: Purchase tickets online. Cost: $20 for members; $25 for non-members (includes plated breakfast.) Free to Premium Members. Check-in begins at 9am; Program at 9:30am.

  • CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring Dr. Michael Auslin on U.S. – China Relations

    CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring Dr. Michael Auslin on U.S. – China Relations

    Wednesday, November 18, 2020

    The California Congress of Republicans, SPARC and other Bay Area CCR chapters will host a virtual meeting featuring Dr. Michael Auslin of the Hoover Institution, who will discuss “U.S. – China Relations – Impact of the 2020 Elections, COVID, & Trade Negotiations.”

    RSVP: Register for this free briefing at this link.


  • West Valley RWF Luncheon Featuring Margaret Metcalfe

    West Valley RWF Luncheon Featuring Margaret Metcalfe

    Thursday, November 19, 2020

    The West Valley Republican Women Federated will host an outside luncheon featuring Margaret Metcalfe, RNC National Committee Woman representing the US Territory of Guam. Learn more.

    RSVP: Reply by calling Grace at (408) 499-1695. Cost: $28.


  • SVARW Christmas Luncheon

    SVARW Christmas Luncheon

    Wednesday, December 2, 2020

    The Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women (SVARW) will host a Christmas Luncheon and this year’s charity is Paws for Purple Hearts. There will be a skills demonstration at 11:30am. Bring your mask to wear while the presentation happens as they work with at-risk veterans.

    RSVP: Register and choose your meal online. Cost: Members $35; Non-members $40. The deadline has passed to sign up for this event.  If you still are interested in attending send an email to Lisa Seago.

  • CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring John Fund with an Election Review

    CCR, SPARC & Other Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring John Fund with an Election Review

    Monday, December 7, 2020

    The California Congress of Republicans, SPARC and other Bay Area CCR chapters will host a virtual meeting featuring John Fund, National Affairs Columnist for National Review magazine and a on-air analyst on the Fox News Channel. He is considered a notable expert on American politics and the nexus between politics and economics. He will provide a briefing on the November election results.

    RSVP: Register for this free briefing at this link.


  • Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley Presents: Who is the Trump Voter? featuring Salena Zito, National Political Reporter

    Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley Presents: Who is the Trump Voter? featuring Salena Zito, National Political Reporter

    Tuesday, December 8, 2020

    Salena ZitoThe Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley is proud to host Ms. Zito as she shares her insights with our members and invited guests in an exclusive online meeting.  Ms. Zito will examine what she calls the “Conservative Populist” coalition that placed Donald Trump in office in 2016. It was not the black swan event many critics suggested it was. Four years later, this coalition is not only durable, it has expanded, getting younger and more diverse along the way.

    RSVP:  The event is free – registration is required.  Register on the Liberty Forum website.

  • West Valley RWF Members Christmas Luncheon – Cancelled

    West Valley RWF Members Christmas Luncheon – Cancelled

    Thursday, December 10, 2020

    The West Valley Republican Women Federated have cancelled their Members Christmas Luncheon.

    Questions? Call Grace at (408) 499-1695.

  • American Legion Stevens Creek Wreaths Across America Ceremony

    American Legion Stevens Creek Wreaths Across America Ceremony

    Saturday, December 19, 2020

    Join the American Legion Stevens Creek Post 642 as they lay wreaths on the graves of veterans. Featured speakers include MG Kent Hillhouse, 35 year Army veteran, and CW4 Warren Kinch, 26 year Army veteran.

    Visit this link to donate. Cost: $15 per wreath and proceeds will benefit veterans programs.