Events in October 2019–January 2020

  • CAGOP Central Coast Regional Training

    CAGOP Central Coast Regional Training

    Saturday, October 19, 2019

    The California Republican Party will provide a training for the Central Coast Region in Hollister. Participants will learn how to use PDI to support the County’s election efforts. There will also be workshops on social media communications and how to build a grassroots organization. View the flyer for more information.

    RSVP: Register online. Cost: $25.


  • Santa Rosa RWF Luncheon Meeting Featuring Mark Meuser

    Santa Rosa RWF Luncheon Meeting Featuring Mark Meuser

    Tuesday, October 22, 2019

    The Santa Rosa Republican Women Federated will hold luncheon meeting featuring Mark Meuser, Attnorney and 2018 Candidate for Secretary of State. His topic will be, “Understanding California’s Elections: What Republicans must do to win in California again.” Learn more.

    RSVP: Mail checks payable to SRRWF to 1585 Terrace Wat #306, Santa Rosa, CA 95404. Cost: $28 with reservations; $33 at the door.

  • Santa Rosa RWF Luncheon Meeting Featuring Warren Metzger

    Santa Rosa RWF Luncheon Meeting Featuring Warren Metzger

    Tuesday, November 19, 2019

    The Santa Rosa Republican Women Federated will hold their luncheon meeting featuring Historian and Educator Warren Metzger. His topic will be, “America’s Electoral College: Why It’s Worth Defending.” Learn more.

    RSVP: For details visit  or email Connie Senseney at  Cost: $28 with reservations; $33 at the door. Meeting begins at 11am; Lunch and speaker to follow.


  • Sonoma County GOP Election 2020 Campaign Training

    Sonoma County GOP Election 2020 Campaign Training

    Saturday, December 14, 2019

    This is a free training event for volunteers and candidates in preparation for the March 3rd 2020 election, lunch included.

    RSVP: Free, but please register here.


  • Sonoma County GOP Annual Christmas Gathering

    Sonoma County GOP Annual Christmas Gathering

    Wednesday, December 18, 2019

    Join the Sonoma County Republican Party for their Annual Christmas Gathering.
    Free but please register here.


  • Santa Rosa RWF Luncheon Meeting Featuring Don Jans

    Santa Rosa RWF Luncheon Meeting Featuring Don Jans

    Tuesday, January 28, 2020

    The Santa Rosa Republican Women Federated will hold their luncheon meeting featuring Russian Historian and Author Don Jans. His topic will be, “The Road to Tyranny.” Learn more.

    RSVP: For details visit  and RSVP to (707) 217-3945.  Cost: $32 with reservations; $35 at the door. Social begins at 11am; Meeting and Lunch with speaker at 11:30am.


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