Events in April–July 2020

  • SMGOP Voter Registration at Citizens Swearing In Ceremony – Canceled

    SMGOP Voter Registration at Citizens Swearing In Ceremony – Canceled

    Thursday, April 23, 2020

    The San Mateo Republican Party has canceled their volunteer opportunity to register new voters at Citizens Swearing In Ceremonies.

    RSVP: For more information contact Mary Do.


  • CA Congress of Republicans & Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring Chief Ron Lawrence

    CA Congress of Republicans & Chapters Virtual Meeting Featuring Chief Ron Lawrence

    Wednesday, May 20, 2020

    The California Congress of Republicans, in partnership with SPARC and The Villages CCR Chapters, invite you to participate in a virtual presentation on the “Keep California Safe” initiative with Chief Ron Lawrence, President of the California Police Chiefs Association (2019-20). The November ballot measure will overturn parts of Props 47 and 57 relating to criminal activity and penalties. Learn more about the measure. 

    RSVP: Register on CCR’s website at this link.

  • San Mateo GOP Virtual Town Hall with Tom Del Beccaro

    San Mateo GOP Virtual Town Hall with Tom Del Beccaro

    Thursday, May 28, 2020

    The San Mateo County Republican Party will host a virtual town hall with Tom Del Beccarro. His topic will be, “COVID-19 and the Assault on the Constitution.”

    RSVP: Learn more and reply online. Cost: $10.


  • Salute to America with President Donald Trump

    Salute to America with President Donald Trump

    To Be Announced
    Saturday, July 4, 2020

    President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will host the 2020 Salute to America on the South Lawn of the White House and Ellipse. In addition to music, military demonstrations, and flyovers to honor our Nation’s service members and veterans, the President will deliver remarks that celebrate our independence and salute our amazing heritage. The evening will culminate with a spectacular fireworks display over the National Mall.

    For timing, check with Fox News, which will cover the event.

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