Events in June–September 2017

  • Cross-Partisan Conversations to Unite Common Ground

    Cross-Partisan Conversations to Unite Common Ground

    Tuesday, June 13, 2017

    United Common Ground, Living Room Conversations and Coro Northern California will host a panel discussion featuring Duf Sundheim, form Chair of the California Republican Party, and others, on the topic, “United or Divided? Cross-Partisan Conversations to Unite Common Ground.” 

    RSVP: Register online for this free event. Complimentary snacks will be served; beer and food available for purchase.

  • San Mateo GOP Politics and Wine Mixer with Kristin Olsen

    San Mateo GOP Politics and Wine Mixer with Kristin Olsen

    Tuesday, July 11, 2017

    You’re invited to the San Mateo County Republican Party’s Politics and Wine event. Join them as California GOP Vice Chair Kristin Olsen talks about key issues facing the state of California and the role the California GOP is playing to drive change and impact policy. Ms. Olsen was elected a Stanislaus County Supervisor after serving in the California State Assembly. She also runs her own consulting firm.

    Cost: $35/person. Register online. Refreshments will be served.

  • Menlo Park Reception to Support Ling Ling Chang

    Menlo Park Reception to Support Ling Ling Chang

    Sunday, September 17, 2017

    You are invited to a fundraising reception for SD 29 Recall Election Candidate Ling Ling Chang. The event is hosted by Peng Wang, CEO, Zenity Asset Management, and is co-sponsored by AAGG-PAC and the Silicon Valley Chinese Association. Former Assemblywoman Chang was narrowly defeated by Senator Josh Newman who is now in a recall election due to his support for the gas tax increase. If Newman is recalled, and Chang receives the most votes in that same special election, she can replace Newman and overturn the Democrat’s supermajority in the State Senate.

    RSVP: Please contact or to register for the event.  Payments may be made online. Cost: $500/$1,000/$2,000 to Co-Host. View the invitation.

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