Events in September–December 2017

  • Menlo Park Reception to Support Ling Ling Chang

    Menlo Park Reception to Support Ling Ling Chang

    Sunday, September 17, 2017

    You are invited to a fundraising reception for SD 29 Recall Election Candidate Ling Ling Chang. The event is hosted by Peng Wang, CEO, Zenity Asset Management, and is co-sponsored by AAGG-PAC and the Silicon Valley Chinese Association. Former Assemblywoman Chang was narrowly defeated by Senator Josh Newman who is now in a recall election due to his support for the gas tax increase. If Newman is recalled, and Chang receives the most votes in that same special election, she can replace Newman and overturn the Democrat’s supermajority in the State Senate.

    RSVP: Please contact or to register for the event.  Payments may be made online. Cost: $500/$1,000/$2,000 to Co-Host. View the invitation.

  • San Mateo GOP Lincoln Reagan Dinner with Rep. Devin Nunes

    San Mateo GOP Lincoln Reagan Dinner with Rep. Devin Nunes

    Tuesday, October 17, 2017

    The San Mateo County Republican Party will host their Lincoln Reagan Dinner with featured guest Congressman Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He is also a former member of President Trump’s transition team and the author of the book Restoring the Republic.

    RSVP: Reply online. Cost: $125 for Dinner; $250 for Dinner and VIP Reception 

  • MPRWF Monthly Luncheon with Chris Starling

    MPRWF Monthly Luncheon with Chris Starling

    Wednesday, November 8, 2017

    The Mid Peninsula Republican Women Federated will hold their monthly luncheon with guest speaker Chris Starling, retired Marine who served for 26 years on active duty. Upon retirement, he worked as Director of Military and Veteran Affairs at the Marines’ Memorial Association in San Francisco. Recently Chris transitioned to a new role as Chief of Global Field Operations at Spirit of America, an NGO based out of Washington D.C. that provides rapid response support to diplomatic and military missions abroad. Learn more.

    RSVP:  Call Karen at (650) 573-5939.  Cost: $25.00 payable to MPRWF. Mail to 1674 Roberta Drive, San Mateo, CA 94403.

  • Lincoln Club of Northern CA Annual Dinner with Victor Davis Hanson

    Lincoln Club of Northern CA Annual Dinner with Victor Davis Hanson

    Tuesday, December 5, 2017

    The Lincoln Club of Northern California will honor Victor Davis Hanson with a Lifetime Achievement Award at their Annual Dinner. Hanson is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, a professor of Classics Emeritus at California State University, Fresno, and a nationally syndicated columnist for Tribune Media Services. Read more about his distinguished career. 

    RSVP:  The Lincoln has extended Member Pricing for visitors! Register and pay online. Pricing for Members: $400 for General Admission; $700 for General Admission for a Couple; $750 for VIP; $1,200 for VIP Couple. Pricing for Non-Members: $750 for General Admission; $1,400 for General Admission for a Couple; $1,500 for VIP; $2,500 for VIP Couple. Sponsorships are available by contacting Megan Range. VIP tickets include the Reception and photo with Victor Davis Hanson. The VIP Reception begins at 6pm; General Reception at 6:30pm. View the invitation.

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