The week’s events

  • Santa Rosa RWF Evening Meeting with Student Panel

    Santa Rosa RWF Evening Meeting with Student Panel

    Tuesday, September 24, 2019

    The Santa Rosa Republican Women Federated will hold an evening meeting featuring a panel of college students. Noelle Dahl and Luke Gover will discuss “Defending Free Speech on Campus: How Conservative Student Leaders are Standing Strong.”

    RSVP: Call (707) 217-3945 to reply. Cost: $36 with reservations; $42 at the door. Social Hour begins at 5:15pm; Dinner at 6pm.

    East Valley Congress of Republicans Meeting Featuring Steve Brown

    East Valley Congress of Republicans Meeting Featuring Steve Brown

    Tuesday, September 24, 2019

    The East Valley Congress of Republicans is a chapter of the California Congress of Republicans. They will host a dinner meeting with featured speaker Steve Brown, businessman, security expert and community volunteer who ran for Mayor of San Jose in 2018.

    RSVP: For more information and to register for this event, contact Dinner will start at 6pm, followed by the meeting.

  • SVARW Breakfast Meeting Featuring Gina Gleason

    SVARW Breakfast Meeting Featuring Gina Gleason

    Wednesday, September 25, 2019

    The Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women (SVARW) will host a breakfast meeting with featured speaker Gina Gleason, CAGOP Delegate and past President of the Chino Valley Federation of Republican Women. She will discuss AB 329 and the Comprehensive Sex Education Framework in public schools. Learn more.

    RSVP: Purchase tickets online. Cost: $15 (includes buffet breakfast.) Free to Premium Members. Check-in begins at 9am; Program at 9:30am.

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