Wednesday, June 26, 2019

SVARW Breakfast Meeting Featuring Karen Watson

SVARW Breakfast Meeting Featuring Karen Watson

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women (SVARW) will host a breakfast meeting with featured speaker Karen Watson, author, Founder and President of Her topic will be, “How the Democrats Stole the Black Vote and How the Republicans Can Win it Back!” Learn more.

RSVP: Purchase tickets online. Cost: $15 (includes buffet breakfast.) Free to Premium Members. Check-in begins at 9am; Program at 9:30am.

Contra Costa Republican Party Chairman’s Circle Dinner Series To Feature Jessica Patterson

Contra Costa Republican Party Chairman’s Circle Dinner Series To Feature Jessica Patterson

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Contra Costa Republican Party will host intimate dinner events to provide insight and access to leaders at the highest levels of the Republican Party, conservative thought, and state and federal government. The June speaker will be CAGOP Chair Jessica Patterson.

RSVP: Reply online to join the Chairman’s Circle or purchase tickets to the event. Cost: $150 per person for dinner; $350 for VIP Dinner with sponsorships available.