Events in August–November 2020

  • Marin GOP Rescue America Rally Featuring Brandon Straka

    Marin GOP Rescue America Rally Featuring Brandon Straka

    Sunday, August 30, 2020

    Rally with Brandon Straka of the #WalkAway Foundation this Sunday to stop the destruction of property and lives, the villainization of law enforcement and the weaponization of tragedies. Arrive at 9:30am at the north or south end of the Golden Gate Bridge. If you are a boat owner, join the flotilla gathering under the bridge.

    RSVP: Register online. Bridge permit requires face masks and no flagpoles or signs larger than 3’x2′. Marin GOP has smaller signs available for $10. Pick them up at headquarters in advance. Questions? Call 888-784-3290.

  • Marin RWF Virtual Meeting Featuring Randy Gularte

    Marin RWF Virtual Meeting Featuring Randy Gularte

    Wednesday, October 21, 2020

    The Marin Republican Women Federated will host a Virtual Meeting with featured speaker Randy Gularte, Real Estate business owner and developer. His topic will be, “The California Real Estate Propositions – Prop 15, Prop 19, and Prop 21 – What Will They Do To You If Passed By Voters.”

    RSVP: Email your reservation to or call (415) 492-2514.

  • Marin RWF hosts Perspective: Results of the Elect 2020 – What Now? featuring Ron Ross, Contributor to American Spectator

    Marin RWF hosts Perspective: Results of the Elect 2020 – What Now? featuring Ron Ross, Contributor to American Spectator

    Wednesday, November 18, 2020

    Marin Republican Women’s Federated hosts Ron Ross, Ph.D., author, writer and contributor to American Spectator and former economics professor and author of The Unbeatable Market.

    Event is free to attend.  MRWF suggests a purchase of a gift certificate for use at a late date for The Club at McInnis Park restaurant to support the organization’s usual meeting venue.  Restaurant is open for take-out or dine-in on the patio.

    RSVP for your reservation to or call (415) 492-2514.  Advanced reservation is required to receive Zoom link.  Deadline to reserve is Friday, November 13.

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