Lincoln Club of No. California Annual Dinner with Dr. Robert M. Gates

Monday, January 26, 2015 6:00 pm

You are invited to the Lincoln Club of Northern California Annual Dinner with Keynote Speaker Dr. Robert M. Gates, former Secretary of Defense and former Director of Central Intelligence.

RSVP: Reply online. VIP Reception begins at 6:00pm; General Reception at 6:30pm; Dinner at 7:00pm. Cost for Lincoln Members: General $500 | General Couple $950 | VIP $1,000 | VIP Couple $1,750. Cost for Non Lincoln Club Members: General $750 | General Couple $1,400 | VIP $1,500 | VIP Couple $2,600. See invitation for more information on table sponsorships and discounts with membership. Space is limited, so early confirmation is highly encouraged!

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