Nob Hill RWF Presents Tom Fitton

Monday, May 4, 2015 6:00 pm

The Nob Hill Republican Women’s Club Federated will host their May meeting with guest speaker Tom Fitton, President, Judicial Watch. Tom Fitton has helped lead Judicial Watch since 1998 as the public interest group was named one of Washington’s top ten most effective government watchdog organizations by The Hill newspaper. See invitation for more information.

RSVP: Send check made payable to NHRWCF no later than April 27 to Joan Leone, 3476 Sacramento Street, #101, San Francisco, CA 94118. Please include this form. Cost for Members $55; for Non-members $65. Reception begins at 6:00pm; Dinner at 6:45pm; Speaker at 7:45pm. Questions? Contact Joan at or (415) 567-7424.

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