Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to Address Cooperation with ICE

Tuesday, April 9, 2019 9:30 am

The Santa Clara GOP encourages Santa Clara County residents to attend the Board of Supervisors meeting to express support for Supervisor Wasserman’s proposal to clarify County policy regarding cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The recommended action would honor all judicial warrants, and allow notification to ICE when people in custody who have been convicted of serious and violent felonies are released. View the proposal.

Each speaker will likely receive one minute to speak. When you arrive, complete a yellow speakers card with your name and the agenda item you’d like to speak on (Item #8) and submit it to the clerk. It is likely the item will come up no earlier than 11am. If you cannot attend, or in addition to attending, find the contact information for your Santa Clara County Supervisor using this link.   Ask them to support Sup. Wasserman’s changes to Board Policy 3.54 before another tragic death like that of Bambi Larson occurs. Make sure your message remains civil and conveys a sense of urgency.

If you’d like a copy of your letter or email to become part of the Public Record, email a copy to the Clerk of the Board, referencing Agenda Item 8, at

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More information about Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to Address Cooperation with ICE