Hoover Institute Presents: More Than Sharp Power – How the CCP Penetrates Taiwan and Hong Kong

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 4:00 pm5:00 pm

Called “canaries in the coal mine,” Hong Kong and Taiwan have been at the forefront of the CCP’s sharp power play. But Beijing’s influence operations within and toward both territories also go beyond sharp power as the term is commonly understood. This panel will discuss Beijing’s influence mechanisms and the pushbacks that the authors discovered in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other countries and discuss the most recent news about the CCP’s crackdown on Hong Kong and its impact and response from Hongkongers. This panel features:

  • Andrew J. Nathan, Professor of Political Science Columbia University
  • Wu Jieh-min, Research Fellow Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
  • Ma Ngok, Associate Professor Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Followed by conversation with: Glenn Tiffert, Research Fellow Hoover Institution

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